Angular 8 - Reactive Forms Validation Example | Angular Form Validation Example

Forms are always an integral part of our application. In angular, we build the form in  2 ways either template-driven or model-driven/reactive forms.

Here we are going to discuss reactive forms with Angular. Reactive forms are more scalable and can be managed easily. It's much simple way to validate the reactive forms. There are a number of validations which are commonly used in our application. Here we'll discuss the following validations:

  1. Confirm Password Validation in Angular 8
  2. URL Validation in Angular 8
  3. Age-Old Validation in Angular 8
  4. Up to Decimal Point Validation in Angular 8
  5. Number Validation in Angular 8
  6. Alpha Numeric Validation in Angular 8
  7. Email Id Validation in Angular 8
  8. Credit Card Validation in Angular 8

Let me create a service which I'll use to validate the forms in my application: src/app/Services/validation.service

Now let me create a validation message component. This is the common component which will be used throughout the forms to show the validation message. ...  Read More

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